Gnosticism was a spiritual and philosophical movement which flourished between the first and fourth centuries C.E.. For a while it was a serious competitor to Christianity for the hearts and minds of the people of the Roman Empire and the relationship between Gnosticism and Christianity was a compile and difficult one. As a religion, Gnosticism died out after the fourth century although the mystery surrounding its doctrines, practices and leaders persisted into the 20th century when an extensive collection of original Gnostic texts were discovered in the deserts of Egypt. In this course, we will discuss some of the main forms of Gnosticism, with special reference to its relationship to Christianity.
Cost: $15 p.w. waged $10 p.w. conc. and student. (Readings provided)
Time and Location:
Tuesday 15th April – 26th May: 10.30-Noon: Gold Coast Arts Centre
Tuesday 15th April – 26th May: 5.45-6.45pm: Robina Community Centre